Via Chicago
— Errata Movie Podcast —

A few administrative notes about this web site:

  • I've recently overhauled some things internally, but externally you should see little difference. One thing though: everything posted to this site will now go through this blog. Before, the reviews and articles were outside of the blog, and I found myself pointing at them ("go read this") since it wasn't always obvious. Now they'll just appear here, too, even the articles with their crazy little sticky notes.
  • If you read Errata via an RSS reader, note that there is now only one feed for the whole site, not two. It's available in multiple versions, but they refer to the same content. I recommend the RSS 2.0 feed, which is the default, because it has pretty pictures. Your current feed will continue to work, but you may need to unsubscribe and resubscribe if you want to upgrade to the latest/greatest version. (Look in the lower-left margin of this page for subscription information.)


Posted by davis | Link
Reader Comments
July 28, 2004, 02:28 PM

I'm glad to see that all your reviews will now be going through the blog--I missed too many of them because I would keep forgetting to check the reviews page.

July 29, 2004, 05:25 PM

OK, I'm glad to hear that. I went back and forth on it. It was a bit weird before, because the blog was a late addition, added just before the site launched. One of my many errors. :-)