Via Chicago
— Errata Movie Podcast —

I'll admit that I sometimes look at the web server logs to see who's linking to this site or to see what Google searches are landing here. And today was the big payoff. This is what all such navel gazers are hoping for, I assume, which is discovering that someone found their pages by searching for this:

did dudley moore have a shriveled up leg?

That's a damn good question. And you've come to the right place. The reason that Google ranks Errata as the number one result for this intriguing query is obvious, and I'm just glad to have provided some help to whatever college student, Jeopardy champion, research assistant, medical practitioner, or archeologist was performing said search.

It lands, by the way, on this random page from our archives, back when Moore's shriveled appendages occupied more of our time than I'd like to recall. Ah, youth. We've since moved on, but we remember our (shriveled up) roots.

Posted by davis | Link
Reader Comments
February 6, 2008, 09:07 PM

That's definitely one of the best search referents I've seen. Might even take the cake. I've had a few interesting ones here and there. At my old blog, I once talked about Bardot's nude scene in Godard's Contempt to make a point about the film's producer, and subsequently got visits from people looking for nude photos of Bardot. My old site was, for at least a while, one of the top hits for searches combining the words "Hitler" and "Nuremberg", which was worrying -- I realized it was because I had referred to a review that characterized a scene in an animated film that was akin to some of the Nazi rallies at Nuremberg.

But Moore's shriveled leg? That's classic.

February 6, 2008, 11:16 PM

And thanks to your comment here, maybe I'll soon be a destination for nude Bridgett Bardot queries, too. I owe you one, Michael! ;-)

Actually, one of the most common queries that lands on my site, disturbingly, is "inger nilsson nude".

February 7, 2008, 07:50 PM

I just had to search "inger nilsson" because I didn't recognize the name (though I searched without the "nude"). Now I know what you mean by "disturbingly"!

February 8, 2008, 04:16 PM

Rob, my blog happened to log its 300th post this week and so it's particularly sobering to know that even now, the search term that brings most people to it (by far), other than my first name, is "Emmanuele Devos" because I posted a perfectly ordinary, fully-clad jpg of her once long ago. (Rob, you'll be pleased to see that to throw off future Devos-hunters here I intentionally misspelled her first name as you did Bardot's...)

If I transitioned over to running a full-blown DevosBlog, I'd be all set.

February 8, 2008, 05:07 PM

Oops. A total accident on my part. Sloppiness instead of forethought.

Congrats on 300, Girish. You're lucky to have a name that's easy to Google. People looking for a Robert Davis never find me in that sea.