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— Errata Movie Podcast —

One blogger's hiatus is another's breath between paragraphs. Or sentences. A comma, even.

I've recently taken on a new project, unrelated to any of the stuff that I talk about here, and I've had to move such things as blogs and movies to the back burner. Waitaminute waitaminute. Blogs, maybe, but not movies:

7-29 The Bourne Supremacy (Greengrass)
7-31 Smiles of a Summer Night (Bergman)
7-31 Wild Strawberries (Bergman)
8-1 In the Bathtub of the World (Zahedi) [DVD]
8-2 I Was Possessed By God (Zahedi) [DVD] [short]
8-3 A Man Escaped (Bresson) [DVD]
8-5 The Blind Swordsman: Zatoichi (Kitano)
8-6/7 The Sopranos: The Fourth Season: Episodes 4-5 [DVD]
8-8 Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism (Greenwald)

Posted by davis | Link
Reader Comments
August 10, 2004, 05:46 AM

If you get a chance, I'd be curious to hear what you thought of Bathtub.

August 11, 2004, 12:21 AM

I thought it was fearless. Caveh sure would be a difficult person to live with, but his girlfriend has the sweetest face, which seems important for some reason. It's a draining 90 minutes.

I've been finding slivers of Waking Life all around me, lately. I think it's time to watch it again.

August 12, 2004, 08:18 AM

You and me both. I've been on a Linklater binge lately -- mostly because I was so impressed by Before Sunset. I even rented his short, Live From Shiva's Dance Floor, which was as enjoyable, I guess, as any twenty minutes with Speed Levitch can be.

I really enjoyed your review of the Eggers' play, by the way. I've somehow managed to avoid reading him so far.

August 12, 2004, 04:07 PM

What did you think of A Man Escaped?

August 13, 2004, 10:18 AM

Doug, I thought it was almost as good as some other gangster movies, although it needs a little more action.

Just kidding. :-) It was wonderful. I decided before I watched it that I was going to watch it at least twice before reading anything about it online (starting with your essay on filmjourney and the related thread, which I've filed away). I'm learning that Bresson is all about the details, and I want to have a bit more time to listen to them.

But I already love them, the way he quietly breaks the glass -- why? to take it out of the cell. why? because if someone saw a plate of glass, say, under a bed, it would attract attention. Unexplained and very neat. I haven't fully got my head around some things, like the way he'll talk to people through his cell window, some of whom he can see and some of whom he can't. Sometimes the guy in the next cell is there, listening, sometimes not, sometimes you don't know.

I'm looking forward to a second (and third...) viewing.

August 14, 2004, 05:15 AM

Okay, this is getting wierd. Last night I watched the new Christopher Hitchens documentary, TEXAS: America Supersized, and one of the talking-head commentators was -- yep, you guessed it -- Rick Linklater.

August 16, 2004, 11:16 PM

Crazy. Did you happen to see von Trier's recent Five Obstructions? I was surprised to see a Waking Life reference pop up there.

He's everywhere!