Via Chicago
— Errata Movie Podcast —
2003, United States
director: Michael Bay

It takes a certain kind of talent to make a Will Smith character loathsome, but the makers of Bad Boys II do it with extreme efficiency. I liked only one thing about this movie: the first big car chase is shot with the camera very low to the ground, which looks kind of cool. Feel free to leave after this chase, because the movie goes on from there for what seems like an eternity. The third time that I mistakenly assumed we must be coming close to the end of this loud, jittery, unfunny, unthrilling pile, the characters still hadn't been to Cuba, still hadn't assembled the team for one last raid, still hadn't stood over the scale model of the compound and pointed out who's going where, still hadn't radioed back to the guys to say that "we're in," and still hadn't driven through a shanty town to rip down the occupants' houses and clotheslines. Yes, the cops treat innocent bystanders and corpses as recklessly as they do criminals. The closest that these characters come to standing for something other than their own destructive whims is when Martin Lawrence tells his sister, Gabrielle Union, that the bad guys only care about her because she's a pretty face. That someone responsible for this movie created this scene recalls a well known conversation between the pot and the kettle. This movie is better than Traffic at arguing against the drug war, although that was certainly not its intention. Lock up these aimless narcotics officers. In a sound-proof cell, please.

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